Parents and carers of children enrolled in all primary schools in NSW will benefit from a new $500 voucher for Before and After School Care (BASC) services, including PCYC Out of School Hours Care (OOSH). Use your $500 voucher for FREE Vacation Care for your little ones this April School Holidays.
The state government announced the new assistance for families who use BASC services in January 2022. It is designed to cover the parent gap fee component of the BASC fees.
Eligible families will receive their vouchers in their Service NSW app just like the Dine & Discover program. PCYC OOSH will be able to scan the QR code on the spot or use the unique voucher code to redeem.
Many parents don't realise that they are able to claim these vouchers. Any child who attended primary school in 2021 is eligible! That's $500 towards before school care, after school care, or OOSH Vacation Care as long as your little one was in primary education last year.
You can register and apply online via a MyServiceNSW account, in the app, or by visiting your nearest NSW Service Centre.
Read more and apply online here.
The voucher will take a lot of pressure off parents as the hugely busy School Holiday period approaches.
Find your closest OOSH Child Vacation Care service and book today for Winter School Holidays at the PCYC OOSH website.
PCYC Out of School Hours Care offers safe, inclusive, and varied before school, after school, and vacation care programs for children from kindergarten to year 6, inclusive.
During this time, children are involved in a number of organised games and activities, including energetic sports activities creative arts sessions, and exciting off-site excursions! Time is also provided for them to choose their own activities or catch up with old and new friends.
Children are constantly supervised by highly trained PCYC staff, all of whom have had Working with Children Checks completed.
Your NSW BASC Voucher can be used on any of these services.
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